Pastor’s Letter: My dear brothers and sisters: If it wasn’t clear, by now, that our timeless Catholic values are hated by many, it is very evident today. Our love for Jesus and thus our desire to speak out should never be outweighed by the longing of our fallen nature to be loved by the world. The proper reception of our Lord is the key element to our faith. Sadly, this world, and so many people, have lost the concept of sin in their lives. We are members of the Catholic Church, not the Popular Church of “Nice”Please permit me to exercise the teaching office of your Pastor: What is the proper way to receive holy communion? In the Catholic Church, the proper disposition to receive Holy Communion includes being in a state of grace [not being aware of any mortal sin], having fasted for at least one hour prior to receiving the Eucharist (abstaining from food and drink, with the exception of water and medicine), and having prepared oneself spiritually through prayer and reflection. It is important to approach the reception of the Eucharist with reverence, humility, faith, and a heart open to receiving Jesus Christ truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. Prior to approaching for Communion, it is also recommended to make a sincere examination of conscience and, if necessary, receive the sacrament of reconciliation to be in a state of grace. Receiving Holy Communion in a State of Sin: Receiving Holy Communion in a state of mortal sin is considered sacrilege in the Catholic Church. This is because approaching the Eucharist without being in a state of grace can harm the relationship with God and the unity of the Church. It is important to receive the sacrament of reconciliation (confession) to confess and receive absolution for any mortal sins before receiving Holy Communion. Receiving the Eucharist in a state of grace is essential to properly receive the spiritual benefits and blessings of the sacrament. Maintaining a clean conscience and seeking reconciliation with God through the sacrament of confession are important aspects of the Catholic faith.