The Sacrament of Baptism, the first of the three sacraments of initiation, is also the first of the seven sacraments in the Roman Catholic Church. It removes the guilt and effects of Original Sin and incorporates the baptized into the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ on earth.
One must be a registered and practicing parishioner at St. Lucy Catholic Church or present a letter of permission from one’s home parish, prior to registering and scheduling a baptism.
To register for baptism, please call the Church Office at 561-278-1280 ext 7 (Michele Tagariello, Assistant to the Pastor).
Baptism is the first of the seven sacraments. Adults and children old enough to understand baptism are given extensive formation and instruction prior to their reception of this first sacrament of initiation. In the case of infants, it has been understood throughout the centuries that an infant is baptized into the faith of his or her immediate faith community (e.g., parents, extended family, parish), the faith in which he or she will mature and come to a profound understanding of the significance of the Christian faith. Baptizing an infant is next to meaningless if the infant cannot rely upon this ongoing community support. Therefore, the minister of baptism needs to have a well-founded hope that a child to be baptized will actually enjoy the living example and support of the Catholic parent(s) and will grow up in a state of easy familiarity with religious practice.
Normally, at least one parent must be a “practicing” Catholic. What does it mean to be a “practicing” Catholic? In terms of the sacraments, a practicing Catholic has a very active sacramental life. He or she goes to Mass a minimum of once a week and lives a life in union with the church and her teachings. A practicing Catholic is also a person of prayer. Each day, a Catholic responds to God’s call to personal communion through quiet time and reflection.
Mass Attendance: Catholic Christians recognize the celebration of the Lord’s Supper (Mass, the Eucharist) as the indispensable source of ongoing spiritual nourishment. As a community, we are fed from the tables of the Word of God and Jesus’ Eucharistic sacrifice. Catholics should not habitually stay away from, or in any instance excuse themselves lightly from, the Sunday celebration of Mass. Participation in the Eucharist, and participation in a life of prayer in general, allows us truly to be “practicing” – to be open to the grace God gives us to live courageously and lovingly. Any other laws we are to follow, any other challenges we are given, are made easier because we allow ourselves to be fed. If you have not been attending Mass regularly, we want to invite you to begin attending Mass for the sake of your child. During the baptism ceremony, you will testify that it is your intention to bring the child up in the Catholic Church. We ask that you start living out this promise by beginning to attend Mass. You will see St. Lucy parish has a lot to offer your children as they grow up. And, your attendance at Mass will teach your child the importance of practicing their faith. There is no better gift you can give your child than the gift of faith that is lived out by going to Mass each Sunday.
Parish Affiliation: Catholics must have a parish affiliation. If you are not a registered parishioner of St. Lucy and live outside the parish boundaries, the pastor needs the permission of the pastor where you live in order to baptize your child. St. Lucy, like other Catholic churches, uses the envelope system to determine Mass attendance. If you don’t use envelopes and the priest does not recognize you, there is no way to confirm that you attend Mass. So, be sure to use your envelopes every Sunday. While we encourage parishioners to be good stewards, we do not dictate how much each family should give.
Attend Baptismal Preparation Class: If the parents take the class at any church other than St. Lucy, they must provide proof of attendance either in a certificate of attendance or a letter from that church’s pastor. If the parents have taken Baptismal Preparation Classes within the past two years, this requirement is waived.
Must be at least 16 years of age.
At least one godparent must be a practicing Catholic, registered in a parish. The law requires that the godparents themselves have received the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation, the three “Sacraments of Initiation,” and be members in good standing in their respective parishes. If they are not registered at St. Lucy, they must have their pastor send a letter stating that they are in good standing at their parish. According to Catholic law, as long as one of the godparents is a practicing Catholic, the other godparent may be a baptized practicing non-Catholic Christian who is designated as a “Christian witness” to the baptism. (In this case, a letter from the witness’s pastor is necessary, stating that the godparent is in good standing in his or her church.) A Witness is not required to take the Baptismal Preparation Class, although it might be very beneficial if they did. A non-baptized person (i.e. Jewish, Muslim, etc.) may serve as a “witness” to the fact of the baptism.
Must be someone other than the parents of the child to be baptized. Catholics must have a parish affiliation. If you are not a registered parishioner of St. Lucy and live outside the parish boundaries, the pastor needs the permission of the pastor where you live in order to baptize your child. St. Lucy, like other Catholic churches, uses the envelope system to determine Mass attendance. If you don’t use envelopes and the priest does not recognize you, there is no way to confirm that you attend Mass. So, be sure to use your envelopes every Sunday. While we encourage parishioners to be good stewards, we do not dictate how much each family should give.
Must be leading a life in harmony with the Catholic faith and the role they are about to assume. Parents and godparents can schedule special informal classes on baptism by contacting the parish office. These classes are offered to assist and welcome young families into our parish family but are not a requirement. If the parents have taken Baptismal Preparation Classes within the past two years, this requirement is waived. Please note: If you choose to attend a class at St. Lucy, you must meet with our pastor.
The Sacrament of Baptism, the first of the three sacraments of initiation, is also the first of the seven sacraments in the Roman Catholic Church. It removes the guilt and effects of Original Sin and incorporates the baptized into the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ on earth.